Get a high quality, fully editable website for your business

Our affordable websites are:

6 Pages
Template Based
High Quality
SEO & Mobile Friendly
Easy to Manage

They also include:

Complete Set Up
Google Analytics
12 Months Hosting Domain
Support from our team

Why are start-up websites so affordable?

Our start-up websites are based on a pre-made high quality website template that we populate your content and branding on to.

With this in mind, our start-up website design is restricted in terms of design and layout. This is perfectly fine for most businesses, but if you are looking for something one of a kind, please check out our bespoke website design service.

Talk to us about our affordable website design service

Our team of website designers are knowledgeable, friendly and more than happy to discuss your new website with you. No matter if you have no idea where to start or have a thorough plan of what you want, give us a call and let’s discuss it.

Call us on 01226 664 111 or leave us a message and we will get back to you

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What’s included with a affordable website from BurstingBox?

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Frequently asked questions about web design

Why should I choose BurstingBox for website design?

We believe you won’t find the quality of our work, as well as our customer service anywhere else for the same price. All of our work is done in-house as our team members are experienced in website design and we care about every project that we work on.

How long does BurstingBox take to build a website?

Our affordable websites can take as little as 2 weeks to complete. We help you collate all of the content you want on your website and populate it for you too!

Can I reuse my current website?

To get the best result from your new website, it’s best not to reuse your current website as it may take longer to do this. We would however, review the content on your current website and utilise the beneficial bits on your new website.

Are there any hidden fees?

As standard, our affordable websites contain 6 pages. If you wish to add more functionality and/or more pages to your website, we can quote for the additional bits separately.

The only additional fee would be the hosting and domain costs after your free 12 month period, which is included in the website’s cost. After 12 months, we charge a small monthly fee or an annual renewal, which covers a whole year of hosting and renewal of your domain name.

Can I see some examples of your websites?

Certainly! Here’s a a few examples of affordable start-up websites: Denton Construction, Lovatt Decorating

We also offer a bespoke website design service, view our dedicated page here for more info.

Let’s get a new start-up website created for you today

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