How do I effectively use social media for my business?

Oct 16, 2020

With new social platforms appearing all the time, we’re asking the question. Which social platform is best for your business and how do you go about effectively using it to your advantage?

Which social platforms should my business focus on?

Which social platform to focus on can be a tricky question due to your business being unique. Here are a few platforms to consider:

  • Instagram - This social platform is known for posting eye-catching images and videos as the primary focus to promote your chosen message.
  • Twitter - This social platform is known for ‘tweeting’ short messages focusing on small snippets of updates for your following.
  • Facebook - This social platform is known for posting and sharing a multitude of different post types such as text, images and videos amongst friends.
  • YouTube - This social platform is known for hosting engaging videos from product/service explanations to in-depth reviews.

Each social platform has their strengths and weaknesses, so it is best to focus on multiple platforms so you can have the potential to grow a larger audience.

How can I get more attention for my business on social media?

There are many ways to catch a customer’s attention:

Relevant hashtags

When on Instagram or Twitter, don’t forget to use hashtags. Hashtags make it so your content can be discovered more easily by people who are interested and may not follow you already. They are essentially a way of categorising your content, so using hashtags that are in line with your post is a priority.

Hashtags are easy to use, however, what you may struggle with is finding the best ones. Your hashtag needs to be relevant to your social post. If you had a renovation business in Leeds and you shared an image of one of your renovation projects an ideal hashtag would be “#renovationleeds” as it is relevant in terms of location and describing the image. You want to include multiple hashtags for each post, however, due to the nature of relevance, these may change per post.

Eye-catching images

Almost all of the social platforms allow you to use images, it is always better to utilise this feature rather than just posting a plain text post, as majority of people react more positively to an image than they will to a plain text post. Another thing to keep in mind is that images are more likely to be shared.


Becoming more popular each year, statistics show that customers love to see an engaging video. Now is the perfect opportunity for you to utilise video and give your customers some great content to enjoy.

By implementing one, two or ideally all three of these tips, your social posts will become more engaging and hopefully grow your audience.

Don’t forget to include your website!

Including your website link on your social posts can help maximise visitors because if there is a link ready to click, a customer is much more likely to follow through and view your website.

There are even tools such as Google Analytics, which allows you to see how many people have visited your website through each social media platform. This data will then display the results of which social media platforms are most effective for your business.

Posted in Marketing on Oct 16, 2020

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