Although having a company website itself is absolutely brilliant, to give your business a better chance online, having a blog is crucial to get you in front of the competition.
Here are five reasons why your company should invest in a regular blog today:
1. Blogs make you the experts
There is no better way of presenting your case to a potential customer than showing them how much you know about your industry or market via your blog. By posting insightful content, you will be able to establish yourselves as the go-to company of your industry.
2. Blogs promote customer interaction
Promoting ideas and discussion is what every business wants, and blogs enable customers to comment and interact with your website. By providing discussion, you will find yourself getting questions from individuals who want to know more about your business, industry and services.
Also, by creating a community, your company will have a loyal following, and there’s nothing better to show potential customers than this.
3. Blogs can improve sales
By creating knowledgeable content, your company will become trusted among its audience and in the industry in which it is situated. To further this, the blog will be shared across the internet to potential customers, which can lead to an increase in sales.
In fact, in the United States, 61% of consumers have made a purchase based on a blog post, and thanks to a recent study, we know that 60% of consumers feel positive about a corporate brand after reading their blog.
4. Blogs help your SEO
If you post engaging and relevant content for your audience, there is a high chance that they will spend more time on your website, besides returning for further instalments.
Additionally, a new blog, with the right amount of keywords, will help your website from an SEO standpoint. In fact, websites with blogs typically have 97% more inbound links to their site, with 434% more indexed pages.
As more people share and interact with the content, it will begin moving up the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page), helping boost your company along with it.
5. Blogs promote sales and special offers
Alongside social media, there is no better way to get news and special offers to the eyes of potential customers. With so many people searching for money saving advice and offers, your blog will help provide the push you need to get those all-important sales leads.
Most importantly, you can do this simply by posting a weekly or bi-weekly blog to your site.
For more information on how we can help your website with a blog get in touch with us today.